Monday, May 28, 2007

Quick Update

Hey guys, Sasha and I are alive and well, though I've got some kind of rash goin' on. I think it might be Chicken Pox. But I'm not worried about it. Love heals all. Tomorrow we are embarking on a 6 day "ghetto" cruise on Rio Solimoes to Tabatinga. Rio Solimoes with Rio Negro make up the Amazon River (if you didn't know). So were sailing west towards the already mentioned town which lies on the border right before Peru and Columbia. On the boat our accommodations will be this beautiful piece of hammock below:

I have also bought my first real Brazilian souvenir, a Flamingos Futbol Jersey:Did you know how seriously Brasileros take their soccer? Very, very seriously. If a Brazilian likes one team, he or she hates all the others as if they were the devil. Really! Since I've purchased this jersey, I have gotten thumbs up on the street or the sad look of disappointment in the eyes of our young hotel clerk. When I walked in to the local pharmacy to ask what the above mentioned rash was about, the pharmacist proceeded to tell me that my Flamingos jersey has caused the whole thing. Yup!

Below is the Lençois Part 2 blog and "Our Amazonian Adventure". We love you all!


Anonymous said...

What a fantastic you have to go see a Flamingos game when you're in Rio. I don't blame Sasha for overdosing on the fruit. How can you not? When is the Amazon coming? WE WANT THE AMAZON. GIVE IT TO US!

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys
Yours letters and cards were like a summer rain - very refreshing.
Thank you very much.
Mishka. I thing the rash you have got could be a poison from these big, ugly frogs you get friend with. Since you already found the princess, please leave all another frogs alone.
It is very interesting to read your blog. All these little details
sound fascinating. Keep following your heart.
Love you
Mama Raya

Chris Montrose said...

I love reading these updates. You are both becoming professional bloggers. If reading was like a drug, your blogs would be crack. Don't get me wrong, crack is wack. But your blogs are most certainly not wack. So I guess reading your blogs is not like crack at all. Maybe these blogs are more like Harry Potter: equally addictive and fun for the whole family. You've got magic, thats for sure. So its final then. You are both like wizards and not like crack.

Anonymous said...

I dont know why chris is frontin, he's a crackhead and he knows it. I think he needs a meeting. :)
Nice jersey mishka. You are looking so skinny like back in the basket ballin days when you went thru two pairs of sneakers per month. Ha Ha!
I miss you guys lots especially when you guys arent there for mothers day or moms birthday party or fathers day. Shall go on????


P.S. Sofka looks like beetlejuice with his new haircut. His head is very small.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sasha and Mishka.Glad to know that this trip is not just fun and games.You managed get a doctors degree in rashes. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! But on more serious note you lose again! Jofka made a house call and whipped up some of her world famous lasagna. TO BAD. Well maybe next time. By the way and man to man. If you go swimming in the amazon DON'T I REPEAT DON'T take a leak in the river. There is a fish that is atracked to urine and will swim right up your little hole. The only way to remove it is surgery.I saw this on Ophra but let's keep that our little secret. Love and miss you guys Richie (THE PAPA) Z..... Now it's mamas turn.Sasha thank you very much for your letter. I can relate alot to these thoughts. It's like a echo from times gone by. I also want to "cpacibo" for my mothers day card. It's a piece of art. RICH put it in a frame already and now it's hanging on our wall all the worlds famous art hangs. By the way,your blog is out of sight.Waitting for more the not so lazy parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sasha...Just wanted to drop a quick hi and love your blog...I am addicted it...I check it everyday and wish I was on that journey with you!! Still very jealous!
It's great and very entertaining! You are very missed at the studio as u can imagine but we're managing...Be careful and keep keepin on!!!


talia said...

AHHHHH!!! i miss you guys so much.
kelly is right beside me and we both want to send u a big fat juicy wet kiss on both of ur cheeks. we adore your blog. we adore you. TCHHAAAUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-tomalia and k