Saturday, March 24, 2007

Salvador to Iracambi, Minas Gerais, BRAZIL 2/28/07 -- 2/29/07

It was a last minute decision to travel to Mishka and made a lot of sense at the time. Thirty hours into our trip across Brazil by bus and we were hurting, hungry, and tired...yet our spirits prevailed and the idea of Mishka´s smile kept pushing me forward.

These are some of the highlights that I could not leave out of the wonderful time we had at Iracambi. The morning hike to the top of the mountain to watch the sunrise was ``magnifique``
and left a lot of scratches on our gringo legs....

Our ´´new´´Pumas

Then after the sunrise, we hiked some more through the jungle until we hit a clearing. Talia and I decided to greet the mountains we went...
Here´s a little video of the top view... credit goes to Lucy for the beautiful melody and the rest for the great back-up singing.

Hmmm . . . everything just looks so much better when kissed by the sun.

1 comment:

Flo said...


How many SAUDADE

I Want to come back but after the car crash i can't move from Italy....
Give a big kiss to all the Iracambi's people and all the creatures that live in this wonderful place!!!!

Um abraço com muito carinho

Andrea....Italian Peba!!!!